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Satellite meetings


We have a great opportunity for you to attend ESCS 2024 (hybrid event) which takes place before ECCB on 17th of September morning to present your work as flash talk (10 mins, online possibility as well) there as well.

It is a smaller event to socialize and get feedback from fellow early-career researchers.

If you are interested, you can just re-submit the same abstract (for ECCB) through the portal and check the box ”I have submitted abstract for ECCB”.

Do not forget to register here too:


We hope to meet you in September!!

ESCS2024 Organizing Team

Venue: Logi-hall
(at the conference venue Logomo)


Title: ISCB JPI Discussion Panel – Opportunities and Challenges of Being a Junior PI in Computational Biology

Moderator: Melike Donertas

Time: Wednesday, September 18 at 13.15-14.00

Place: Logi-hall (at the conference venue Logomo, during lunch time)