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Presentation guidelines

Poster presentations

Posters will be presented onsite at the conference venue Logomo.

Guidelines for poster presenters

  • The poster size is A0 in portrait orientation.
  • All posters can be on display during the duration of the conference (from Wednesday morning, first coffee break – Friday afternoon).
  • Presenters are divided into 2 groups: poster presenters whose poster has an odd number (P1, P3, P5…) are asked to be by their poster to answer question during the poster session on  Wednesday, 18 September, and  presenters whose poster has an even number (P2, P4, P6…) on Thursday, September 19. Please check your number from the online programme.
  • Posters can be mounted on Wednesday, 18 September at 11.15 (first coffee break). Pins/tape will be provided at the poster area. Poster boards will be numbered.
  • All posters must be dismounted by the presenter at latest by 14.30 on Friday, 20 September. Please note that the poster presenters are responsible of dismounting their posters. No poster will be retained nor sent to their owner after the conference.

In addition, poster presenters may upload an electronic poster on the conference platform. Electronic poster is  a 1-page PDF-file.

The online poster gallery will be accessible to all conference participants  during the conference, and for two weeks after the conference.

  • Please upload the electronic poster via the submission link
  • Sign in to your Oxford Abstracts account, where you will be able to access your accepted abstract via the ”Edit” button.
  • At this point you will only see your abstract title and authors, and the upload question to upload your poster  as a PDF file (click ”submit” to send the poster).

Please upload the electronic poster as a PDF file by 14 September.

If you have any questions, please contact

Print your poster in advance

ECCB2024 poster presenters are offered the possibility to order a printed poster from a local copy shop in Turku, and have the poster delivered to the conference venue Logomo.

Poster printing price:

  • Paper poster, size A0, 140g, full colour: 37 EUR
    Prices include VAT 

Place your poster print order via the printing order form at the very latest by 10 September 2024 -> extended until Friday, 12 September at 14 pm (GMT+3). Payment is made upon ordering (credit card or online bank payment).

The poster is uploaded on the form as a PDF file, please make sure the poster is in the correct size (A0). Please name the file with the poster presenter’s name and the poster number (e.g. Jones_Lisa_P5). Poster numbers can be found on the conference programme.

Poster printing order form

Oral presentations

Please see the  online conference programme  for your presentation slot.

The oral presentation time is 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions from the audience.


Prepare your presentation and save it in PowerPoint (PPT/PPTX) format (PDF only if pptx is not possible).
Please name the file with the presentation day, presenter’s last name & first name  and presentation code (e.g. Wed_ Jones_Lisa_OH63).

Submit your presentation in advance

Please upload your presentation in advance, the very latest by midday the day before your presentation to DriveUploader. Link to Uploader will be sent via e-mail on 12 September.

At the conference, your presentation will be ready on the lecture room computer. Presentations will be deleted from the computers afterwards.

We recommend that presentations are submitted via the uploader link in advance. If this is not possible, please bring your presentation on a USB flash-drive to registration and info desk at the conference venue, where the presentation will be transferred to the lecture room computer. Please deliver your presentation well in advance – latest by midday the day before your presentation.

File requirements

  • File type: PowerPoint (PPT/PPTX)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Fonts: please use standard fonts, pay attention to font size, min. 24 pt
  • Videos: Embedded to your presentation (in addition, it is recommended to upload a copy of videos as MP4 files)

Be aware of copyright when using media.

Please note that own computers cannot be used to avoid technical problems.

A conference assistant and technician will be present in the lecture room to help presenters. Please arrive to the lecture room well in advance before the start of your session (10-15 minutes)