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16-20 September 2024


Logomo, Turku, Finland
23rd European Conference on Computational Biology

Welcome to ECCB conference in Finland in September 2024!

University of Turku and CSC – IT Center for Science have joined forces to host the 23rd European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB2024 in Turku, Finland, 16-20 September 2024.

Together, we aim to arrange a great conference for the computational and life science community and beyond, with top keynotes and talks, lively poster sessions, exciting exhibitions, and other social events. We welcome scientists from a wide range of disciplines, including computational biology, systems biology, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, biology, and medicine. The focus of the conference is on data and algorithms for health and science. IT infrastructures supporting the research will surely be on the agenda as well. With computational and multidisciplinary expertise, we can respond to the growing global challenges and provide health and well-being from the data.

16-20 September 2024
Turku, Finland

Photos and videos from ECCB2024
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ECCB2024 Highlights

Conference theme

Data and Algorithms for health and science

About The Host City


Turku, which once was Finland’s capital, has a long history, stretching back to the Middle Ages. Today Turku is a vibrant and modern city full of life and activities, one of its advantages being the compact size and easy walking distances.

The picturesque surroundings of the old town quarters have a lot to offer – great selection of restaurants, galleries, museums and attractions. Turku is also the gateway to the Finnish archipelago, the world’s largest labyrinth of islands.

Visit TurkuTurku Flight Connections
Conference venue


Logomo is a centre for culture, arts and creative economy operating from the defunct locomotive workshop near the main railway station, the busstation and close to Turku city centre. A pedestrian bridge provides access from the main railway station to Logomo. Walking from the Market Square takes about 20 minutes.


The conference will be chaired by Prof. Laura Elo, head of the Medical Bioinformatics Centre, University of Turku, and Dr. Tommi Nyrönen, ELIXIR Finland head of node.

The multi-disciplinary team of scientists at Turku Medical Bioinformatics Centre develops sophisticated algorithms and computational models for health and science to transform data to knowledge and understanding. University of Turku is part of the strong health and bioscience expertise cluster in Turku, spanning academia, healthcare, and business.

CSC operates the ELIXIR Finland node and provides comprehensive scientific computing, data management and analysis services and solutions for life science researchers. CSC also hosts LUMI, currently the fastest supercomputer in Europe. Connection of life science data resources with high-performance computing is an optimal environment for scientific algorithm development.